Exciting news! The online writing platform you know and love now has a blog. We’ll be posting all sorts of good writerly stuff, including Wet Ink product updates, reminders about features, any upcoming events, and more.

We hope our blog will be the go-to place for tips, advice, and inspiration for writing instructors, students, and writers alike. Whether you're running a workshop or hosting a community, simply exercising your writing muscles, or working on the next great American novel, the Wet Ink blog will be there for you to advise, inspire, and support.

Not only that, we also now have a Facebook page! Go over and like us to keep up to date with everything Wet Ink. And don't forget about Twitter: be sure to follow us if you haven't already.

Finally, Wet Ink will be at AWP, the biggest writing event of the year. Come visit our table at the book fair -- we’ll have something fun in store.

Until then, what would you like to see on the Wet Ink blog? Let us know in the comments!